Friday, May 11, 2012

Challenge- Day 5

I was thinking I was going to write everyday about this, but my life isn't that interesting and not masturbating only lends itself to so many topics. It feels like it's been a lot longer than five days. The calendar is a bitch. Anyway, I am horny* and irritated, but I will persist**.

The not masturbating thing has been good in the amount of time it saves me. Especially lately with my difficulties in achieving orgasm, it took a long fucking time just to get off. I'm not even sure if an orgasm is worth much of one's day.

Putting that philosophical question behind us, time is quite valuable to me right now. I have a big literary research paper's first draft due on Monday and I didn't start reading the book until yesterday (I have since finished it, because it's short and easy.) I've found some outside sources as well and that will be enough for the first draft. However, I like to make my first drafts pretty damn good; a paper that is mostly finished just not proof-read. This makes the night before the final draft is due so much easier.

Back to the actual topic, I'm not sure if this is causing me to be more grouchy or if it's other factors. Everything is irritating me it seems. People talk to loudly. The phone rings too loudly. That really could be other factors. I've spent a lot of time this week not knowing whether it was anxiety or allergies that was making it hard to breathe***.

I hope there is some gambling action on whether or not I'm going to make it


*I would be horny regardless
**Unless I don't
***I think allergies most of the times.

Today's Turn-on: There is a lady who teaches a class at our office once a month and I think she's cute and she was there today.

1 comment:

  1. It's understandable that you would be more irritable because a generally pleasant part of your routine has been removed. I might suggest replacing it with something comparable (or as comparable as anything could really be). I mean, masturbation is taking some time each day or a few times a week to have some "me" time, to do something nice for yourself. If you can at least keep that aspect of the routine going and regularly take time out to take care of yourself in some way, it might alleviate things. Maybe. What do I know =p
